Korfball Club

Cardiff University Korfball Club 

Welcome to Cardiff University's Korfball Club!

As Wales' oldest Korfball club, we currently run two teams that compete nationwide in BUCS against other universities. In the 22/23 Season, our firsts qualified for the third round of BUCS while second team narrowly missed out on qualifying for it. Our firsts reached BUCS trophy and finished in 2nd place!

We are also proud to have won the Welsh Cup Trophy back to back in the 21/22and 22/23 Season! 

If you're not sure what Korfball is, don't worry! Most of us had no clue either when we first started and the majority of our players were brand new when they joined our club! Despite this, we are proud to have a record number of players in the Wales International and Development Squad for the 2022/23 Season!

What is Korfball?-

Korfball is a fast-paced and dynamic game that is the only truly mixed team sport in the world. (It’s not netball…)

The game gets its name from the Dutch word Korf which means basket. (That’s the yellow thing!)

There are 8 players in a team - 4 boys and 4 girls. (That’s right, mixed!)

It is played on a rectangular pitch which is divided into two halves. One half is the attack zone and the other half is the defence zone respectively. (….No seriously. It’s not netball!!)

Four players from each team - 2 boys and 2 girls - occupy the attacking and defending zones. (Take a minute….it’s not as complicated as it sounds!) The players switch zones after every 2 goals scored.

One third of the way towards the halfway line in each half of the court is a goalpost with a basket. It's much higher than the basket in basketball (3.5m) and has no backboard. We shoot to score!

If it's still not too clear or you want to see some Korfball in action, watch this match: 


And here's a video explaining the rules of this awesome game:


The Competitive Side-

Throughout the year our 2 teams play matches in the Welsh National League, BUCS and the Welsh Cup.

Welsh League matches happen most weekends between teams in Cardiff, Newport and Swansea. BUCS takes place across 3 tournaments during the year, starting with the Welsh prelims and finishing with a national tournament featuring universities from all corners of Wales, England & Scotland. Finally, Welsh Cup is a two stage tournament spread across February & March between the various Welsh clubs (we are the current trophy winners!).


We currently train twice a week at the Talybont Sports Hall-

-Tuesdays - 19:30-21:30

-Sundays - 16:00-18:00


We love a social! From Bingo Lingo to nights at the SU, there's something for everyone! We currently have a very busy social calendar planned for the 22/23 season so keep your eye out for more updates!

Give It A Go-

We are hosting 2 Give It A Go Sessions for the 23/24 Season on the following dates-

-Thursday 28th September 18:30 - 20:30

-Tuesday 3rd October 19:30 - 21:30

Both at Talybont Sports Centre


Membership prices are decided by the committee each year. 

*Refunds can be requested but ultimately is up to the committee* 

Still interested?

Whether you're up for some healthy competitive energy or just social exercise, we can guarantee you'll have a blast.




Please log in to view the committee.


  • Korfball Club Standard Membership£45.00
  • Korfball Club Half Year Membership£20.00
  • Korfball Club Social Membership£15.00