STAR - Student Action for Refugees

Welcome to Cardiff STAR’s page - thanks for looking us up! We hope you find all the information you need here but also head to our Facebook and Instagram pages to engage directly with us and be part of the community!

What is STAR? 

In a nutshell, STAR is: 

  • a student network, running in over 50 universities spread across the UK
  • committed to improving the lives of refugees and asylum seekers seeking a safer home here in the UK and
  • a network which challenges preconceptions of refugees and asylum seekers and campaigns and volunteers to help achieve our main aim. 

What do we do here in Cardiff?

Weekly English Conversation Club

Our main activity is our English Conversation Class and although the pandemic has changed the way we run things a little bit, we are back with these classes.They are a great opportunity for asylum seekers and refugees to practice their English conversational skills with student volunteers and for everyone to hang out together and get to know one another in a relaxed environment! We have created an incredible community; join us every Thursday from 5:30 – 7:30pm at St Germans Church Hall (star St, Cardiff, CF24 0JY)

Refugee Rhythms

Every year we hold our award-winning Refugee Rhythms – a celebration for STAR and the community we are a part of. Refugee Rhythms attracts local and international bands, with hundreds of students attending and food from all over the world. 

and SO much more

Do you have to be qualified in teaching English to start STAR?

Absolutely not! We are all students, many of whom have never taught English before. Classes are there to give refugees and asylum seekers a chance to practice their English in a relaxed and informal setting. Our sessions are therefore run as a conversation club and not heavily structured lessons, so refugees and asylum seekers get the chance to talk and practice their English freely. However we do run training sessions each term with a few tips and hints to help you along and our English Teaching Coordinators will oversee our weekly sessions, including putting together helpful resources and plans for topic based discussions, and just being there to help!

How can I get involved?

Join our WhatsApp group - on there, we post any events coming up, so come along! Stay updated with our Insta page too and feel free to share or interact with any of our posts, we would love to hear your thoughts. 

STAR is such a fantastic way to get involved in and be part of the local community - we really hope to see you soon!

Much STAR love,

The Committee 


Please log in to view the committee.


  • STAR - Student Action for Refugees Standard Membership£2.00
Refugee Rhythms
2nd April
Refugee Rhythms, on the 2nd of April 5-11pm in Porter's, will be a showcase of local musical talent to raise money for charity! We hope to see everyone there!


  • Refugee Rhythms Wed 2 Apr 2025 - General£0.00
  • Refugee Rhythms Optional Donation£5.00