Optometry Society

OPSOC provides optometry students at the university with academic support and many chances to partake in a range of fun activities.

The Sports Secretaries currently run a netball teams and a 7 aside football team.

Through the Social Secretaries OPSOC offers a range of social activities to suit all its members from nights out to sober socials. These begin with a range of fresher’s week activities to help new students integrate, a Christmas Ball and culminate in our yearly ‘Eyeball’ to celebrate the successes of the academic year.

Aside from sports and recreational activities, OPSOC also provides extra clinic sessions to increase learning and proficiency in procedures.

There are many opportunities with OPSOC to take part in fundraising and voluntary work, through planned events from charity runs to all day fundraising days, packed with different activities, organised by the RAG reps.

The General Secretaries also organise Pizza & Pre-Reg events to provide information about and networking opportunities for post qualifying and employment for the students with their prospective employers and equipment manufacturers.

We can wait to welcome new members to the society for the 2023/24 academic year! 

Please log in to view the committee.


  • Optometry Society - Standard Membership£25.00
No elections are currently running