
Cardiff University's NurSoc aims to spend the year supporting you all, helping you make friends for life and ensuring your years at uni are the best of your life.

Our main goals are to:

  1. Put on the best social events throughout the year, including bigger events at Christmas and at the end of the year. Ranging from partying and nights out to movie nights.

  2. Support you pastorally, be there for you for any questions or advice or help you with anything you may need throughout your time on placement or anything at all whilst at Cardiff Uni. We are here for each and every one of you <3.

  3. Smashing our fundraising goals and raising as much money as we can for our 3 charities: Believe, Mind, and Noah's Ark.

  4. We want to put our knowledge and skills to good use by advising and supporting communities that are in need of awareness and education on numerous health promotion aspects. We also want to help all of our students by providing support for you to gain more confidence in your communication and clinical skills. 

Join our society now and become part of the NurSoc Family.

"Save one life, you're a hero, save 100 and you're a nurse"


Please log in to view the committee.


  • NurSoc Standard Membership£2.00


  • Nursing Grad Ball- Student/Faculty~ meat ticket£49.99
  • Nursing Grad Ball- Student/Faculty~ Vegan/Veggie ticket£49.99
  • Nursing Grad Ball- Plus ones~ meat ticket£54.99
  • Nursing Grad Ball- Plus ones~ Vegan/Veggie ticket£54.99
  • Nursoc Summer Formal MEMBERS£25.00
  • Nursoc Summer Formal NON MEMBERS£27.00