CU Pride (LGBT+ Society)



We're CU Pride, Cardiff Uni's LGBT+ society! We're active all year round with regular themed club nights, coffee mornings (that are occasionally in the afternoon), trips and loads of other good stuff!
Keep an eye on this page for updates our events which will also be detailed in our private Whatsapp Group, which you can join by DMing us on Instagram!


We endeavour to create a welcoming, inclusive and, ultimately, fun space for our community. We keep these values at the core of everything we do and therefore discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.


As part of this inclusivity, we are proud to offer free standard membership! Once you've joined (which we hope you do), you'll be included on our mailing list where you will receive monthly emails and regular updates about our events.


We also offer Plus Cards for £10 that will entitle you to free entry to Pulse on Fridays and Saturdays before 1am (usually £5) as well as money off our trips and big events like our Christmas Party and Big Gay Ball at the end of the year. 20% of the £10 cost also goes to our chosen chairites. We're always looking out for offers to share with you throughout the year so watch this space!


Hope to see you around!

Please log in to view the committee.


Elected Co-President

Elected Heath Park Officer

Elected Publicity and Social Media Officer

Elected Secretary

Elected Social Secretary

Elected Treasurer

Publicity and Social Media Officer




  • CU Pride (LGBT+ Society) Standard Membership£0.00
  • CU Pride (LGBT+ Society) Premium Membership£10.00
  • CU Pride (LGBT+ Society) Associate Membership£0.00


  • Plus Card 2023/4 Academic Year£10.00