Indian Music Society

Cardiff Indian Music Society aims to provide a platform for student musicians from all backgrounds, styles/genres, and cultures to come together for rehearsals and performances of Eastern, Western, and fusion music with an Indian twist. Cardiff Indian Music Society also intends to raise awareness of all the different aspects of Indian/Eastern music varying from many locations throughout India and Asia by exploring them and their themes during different jam sessions.

This society will give all students the opportunity to experience the beauty that Indian music possesses, via a means of performance. This will be through a series of showcases and socials which we plan to host throughout the academic year. Furthermore, this society will also give musicians from different backgrounds a chance to meet and socialise, allowing them to build long-lasting friendships. It will also allow them to gain an appreciation for all genres, and a mutual respect for genres outside their specialisms, as music is something to be viewed as a universal language that unites people.




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