Hong Kong Society

Our aims are to promote the society to both students and staff who are interested in Hong Kong culture, and to create a platform to bring together a group of people from Hong Kong. A few objectives have been established to achieve these aims, starting with a warm and friendly atmosphere to welcome people and to create a sense of comfort. To achieve this, regular events will be organised to allow people to meet up and socialise. We believe communication is the best way to promote and share our unique culture with others. Our society will not only be an opportunity for its members to have fun and make friends, but also to help each other when a problem occurs.

Dinner events will be organised for people to explore and taste Hong Kong’s amazing cuisine. For people from Hong Kong, the events can help them feel like they’re at home again. Freshers may struggle to adjust when they first arrive in Cardiff, so the society will provide advice to help them settle in easily and get used to their new environment quickly.

Finally, if our society members have any concerns, committee members are willing to work together to find a solution, in order for all our members to have a fun and memorable time at Cardiff University.

Please log in to view the committee.


  • Hong Kong Society Standard Membership£7.00