Debating Society

Regular sessions every Thursday evening at 18:00 in John Percival Room 4.43, feel free to come along and try a session!

You’ve been given 15 minutes to build a convincing argument for a subject you know nothing about…go! 

Whether you want to develop your public speaking skills, build your confidence, or just meet some great people and have fun, you’ll fit right into debating society. We hold one session a week on Thursday evenings. The first half hour is training designed to develop your skills, followed a chance to put them into practice with a debate; this can be as a speaker or as a judge, so everybody will be involved, and the choice is yours as to which you’d prefer! Alongside this, we regularly participate in competitions run by other societies up and down the country, both online and in-person, with subsidised travel and your competition fees paid by us! 

Our membership is made up of people from many different courses, levels of study, and nationalities, so whatever your background, you’ll be sure to feel welcome. We have a range of regular socials sure to fit anyone’s taste, whether it’s a quiet drink at the pub, a meal out or even laser tag, you’ll be sure to find something you’ll enjoy, it’s not all arguing after all! 

So, if this is something you’d enjoy, please come along to one of our sessions. You can also get in touch by messaging our Facebook account, or emailing one of our committee members if you're interested in giving us a go!


Please log in to view the committee.


Society Membership

  • Debating Society Standard Membership£8.00


  • SPEAKER - Sheffield Novices 2023 (Sat 28 Oct 2023)£5.84
  • SPEAKER (SOCIETY MEMBERS) - Bristol Pro-Am 2023 (25 Nov 2023)£6.67
  • SPEAKER (NON-MEMBERS) - Bristol Pro-Am 2023 (25 Nov 2023)£20.00
  • SPEAKER (SOCIETY MEMBERS) - LSE IV (24-25 Feb 2024)£10.00
  • SPEAKER (SOCIETY MEMBERS) - Severn Cup 2023 (18 Nov 2023)£5.83
  • SPEAKER (SOCIETY MEMBERS) - UCL IV 2024 (23-24 Mar 2024)£8.33
  • SPEAKER (SOCIETY MEMBERS) - Southampton Open 2024 (4 May 2024)£6.67
  • SPEAKER (SOCIETY MEMBERS) - St Andrews Pre-EUDC Competition 2024 (6-7 July 2024)£8.75