Cymdeithas Iolo

Mae Cymdeithas Iolo ar gyfer myfyrywyr adran y Gymraeg ac unrhywun arall sy'n ymddiddori ym mywyd diwylliannol Cymraeg y brifddinas, gyda'r bwriad o dynnu siaradwyr Cymraeg o bob cefndir at ei gilydd. Rydym ni’n trefnu digwyddiadau diwylliannol bob deufis, megis Stomp farddonol rhwng myfyrwyr a staff adran y Gymraeg a noson Gomedi Cymraeg. Hefyd rydym yn trefnu tripiau i weld dramâu a gigs, gwyliau Cymraeg a digwyddiadau celfyddydol y brifddinas. Mae croeso i bawb i Gymdeithas Iolo – o bob cefndir, os hoffech ymarfer eich Cymraeg tra’n mwynhau’r gorau o ddiwylliant pobl ifanc Caerdydd – dyma’r gymdeithas i chi!

Cymdeithas Iolo is a society for the Students of the School of Welsh or anyone who is interested in Welsh cultural events in Cardiff and beyond. Our aim is to bring Welsh speakers from every background together by organising and attending cultural events around the city, such as poetry slams, comedy nights, music gigs and theatre performances. Everyone is welcome to Cymdeithas Iolo - from every background, whether you're a fluent Welsh Speaker, or just want to learn more about the wealth of the language and culture! 

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