Cardiff Regular and Irregular Tabletop Society (CRITS)

Hi! We're The Cardiff Regular and Irregular Tabletop Society (CRITS). We welcome anyone who is interested in Boardgaming, Tabletop Role Playing Games (TTRPGs), Collectible Card Games (CCGs), Wargaming (Warhammer 40k, AoS etc.) and assorted other geekery, whether you're a seasoned veteran or someone interested in trying things out for the first time.

Worried it's all a bit much for you or you need to be a super-geek to join? Don't be. A huge number of our long-time members had never done anything like this before they came to us. You can be anywhere on the geek scale from 0 to Wil Wheaton. We don't bite and we're happy to teach you how to play. If you'd like to get to know us better, we have a Discord Server! (Link down below)

We have pub meets and we run gaming events throughout the year, even in the summer. We have weekly Boardgaming, Roleplaying, Wargaming and Cardgaming opportunities; 6 times a week!


We also take part of Nerd Varsity which brings together all the Nerdier societies of the university in a big competition for charity! It's a lovely event that brings all the societies together; the winning society picks where all the charity money goes toward.

check out all the other Nerd Varsity Societies here:
Sci-fi and Fantasy

and many more to be confirmed later! Stay tuned!

Got discord? So do we! Join it to learn more about our weekly events:

Meet our committee members and find our schedule on our Instagram, as well:
We hope to see you soon!

Please log in to view the committee.


  • Cardiff Regular and Irregular Tabletop Society Standard Membership£5.00


  • Umbella Cymru donation for Pride BBQ£1.00