Cardiff Healthcare International Perspectives

What are we?

We are a community of healthcare students who aim to provide an international perspective and facilitate international experiences for healthcare students. We are based at the Cardiff University Heath campus.

What do we do?

We provide mutual support for international healthcare students to help them relax and build networks within the healthcare community.

We also provide a platform where students can learn about and experience international cultures brought together by their fellow students.

Our clinical and career team assists with Erasmus applications and can help you plan your electives abroad through the provision of contact details and key information regarding application processes for individual hospitals.

Lastly, our social, welfare and networking team is there to make sure that you enjoy your time at university. Some of the social events we will be organising include:

  • Cultural food festivals (themes to be announced later)
  • International games socials (featuring games played in other countries, also available as give-it-a-go sessions)
  • International perspectives talks (featuring topics from medical politics to herbal medicines to medicinal taboos)

And our flagship event: International cultural night

Why would should you sign up for that membership?

CHIPS will enable you to meet new friends from around the world who are studying the same course but going through an experience totally unlike your own. Challenge stereotypes, break social barriers, broaden perspectives and expand your network of contacts with us!

Please log in to view the committee.


  • Cardiff Healthcare International PerspectiveS Standard Membership£5.00