Blank Verse

Blank Verse is a non-auditioning alto, mezzo and soprano choir open to all students at Cardiff Uni.


We are a friendly choir for all abilities, so you don't need to be able to read sheet music or feel confident singing on your own when you join. Anyone is welcome to join rehearsals at any point in the semester, as long as membership is paid in time for performances. Upon membership payment, all members will recieve a folder, music and a purple scarf for the year.


Rehearsals are every Thursday 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Boyd Lecture Theatre, School of Music (Corbett Road, CF10 3EB). Sessions are led by our wonderful musical director Amy Kilmister, and the committee aims to create a relaxed, enjoyable and safe atmosphere for all members. We sing a wide variety of music ranging from classical through to pop, folk, jazz, and songs from musicals.


As a member, your voice is important, so if there is anything we can do to improve your experience, we want to hear it! 


We have one concert per semester and host as many socials as we can! These are coordianated to be a range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic to involve everyone.


Find us on our public social media:
Facebook page -
Instagram - @cu_blankverse


Or request to join us on our private Facebook page, where we post regular updates and have a link to our member Whatsapp :)


Please log in to view the committee.


  • Blank Verse Standard Membership£4.00