Film Production Society

In the Film Production Society, we believe  that film creation arises from cultivating a diverse and inclusive community. Within FPS, films will find their origin in our vibrant social events and new-and-upcoming community. These gatherings offer a conducive setting for like-minded individuals to experiment with ideas, establish collaborations, and forge teams that breathe life into cinematic concepts.


Recognizing the multifaceted nature of filmmaking, FPS places equal importance on every element from start to finish. Beyond the obvious roles of camera operators and actors, a rich tapestry of essential contributions exists. Acting, directing, writing—FPS highlights the diverse components, empowering members to nurture skills aligned with their interests, as narrow or as wide as they wish. The committee members are resolutely committed to facilitating your growth and proficiency, through tailor-made workshops and curated resources, we're here to help you go from no experience to making films as best we can. Whether your passion lies in acting, directing, writing, or any other aspect, the committee is devoted to enhancing your journey and growing with what you believe the society should encompass.


There are many opportunities within FPS to get involved in:

  • Filming : (Capturing Ideas Through Lenses)
  • Acting : (Breathing Life into Characters)
  • Directing : (Bridging Actors, Cameras, and Story)
  • Writing : (Building Foundations for Films)
  • Editing : (Crafting Cohesive Cinematics)
  • Hair + Make-Up : (Styling Characters within the fictional world)


While our social events offer a platform to unwind and appreciate the university experience, they also facilitate meaningful dialogues spanning the entire filmmaking process. This approach encapsulates our dedication to providing both a relaxing community and an environment designed to help you be apart of creative filimmaking alonsgide your studies. Some of our socials will entail the classic SU Nights-out, but if you're looking for something a little different our social secretaries are working hard to create sober events and film-oriented socials.


The Committee for 23/24:

President - David Anley

Vice President (& Secretary) - Laurie Walker

Treasurer - Kaya Thakkar

Acting Manager - Kayleigh Lloyd

Writing Manager - Libbi Kettle

Welfare Officers - Alannah Travers & Betsan Roberts

Social Secretaries - Alice Daniel & Leila Bel Haj

Legal + Planning Coordinator - William Rowlands

Publicity / Social Manager - David Anley & Libbi Kettle

Please log in to view the committee.


  • Film Production Society - Half Year membership from 26 Feb 2024£10.00