Taiwanese Society

The main aim of the Taiwanese Society is to promote and showcase Taiwanese culture and act as a platform to gather students and staffs of Cardiff University who are interested in Taiwanese culture. To achieve this aim, multiple objectives have been set. These include, but not limit to, a) to provide a comfortable and friendly environment for students and staffs to network and interact socially. b) to provide up-to-date information about Taiwan to its member, c) to host a range of regular and welcoming meet-ups for its member, d) to be an informal contact to Taiwanese students and staffs arriving Cardiff University to assist relocation, e) to facilitate personal development of students and staffs by both daily interactions and subject-oriented peer group, f) to support its member throughout the various stages of the study or work in Cardiff University, g) to promote equality and diversity of the student community, and h) to promote and protect the welfare of its member. 

All members will benefit from learning about and immersing themselves in the rich culture of Taiwan, through our meal-outs, socials and a variety of other exciting events. It acts as a gateway connecting the Taiwanese and non-Taiwanese students here to learn about different aspects of each other’s cultures. Coming from Taiwan to study in the UK might not be a straightforward transition for everyone. Our society will be able to provide lots of support for Taiwanese students, making the change a little bit easier. We will be a friendly and welcoming environment away from home for both Taiwanese and non-Taiwanese students to make new friends and have a lot of fun. 

Before 2018, there was not an established Taiwanese society at Cardiff University despite new Taiwanese students choosing to study here every year. As a result, a lot of Taiwanese students had difficulty finding fellow Taiwanese students in Cardiff and felt rather isolated sometimes. We also realise that not a lot of people have a clear picture of what Taiwan is like, so we want this society to help promote everyone’s understanding about the vibrant culture and tradition of Taiwan.

If you have any questions come and find us on instagram: @twnscu or email us: taiwanesesociety@cardiff.ac.uk.


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  • Taiwanese Society Standard Membership£5.00