Committee Elections
Groups should follow the below procedure to set up and run their elections. You can also find a step–by–step guide in the committee handbook , which all groups should follow.
The Nominations Period
When setting up your election, the nomination period should last a minimum of
one week. This gives all members time to consider running in the election. If there s someone who you think would be a great committee member, tell them. Your encouragement could persuade someone to run.
Elections appear on your group s webpage. Contact your coordinator if you can t find your election. Share the links to your social media and in emails to all members so that everyone hears about the election.
The Candidates
When nominations close, you need to approve the candidates list before voting can open. Head over to the Elections Admin to do this. Make sure you leave enough time between nominations closing and voting oepning to do this.
When setting up your election, you can allow candidates to submit manifestos, pictures and slogans to help with their campaign.
Only those with a standard membership can run and vote in the election, but they can join your group at any point in the year. Committee members can upload candidates if they are unable to do so themselves. This cannot be used to avoid paying membership fees, however.
The Voting Period
The voting period should last at least
one week and you should share the election link on your social media, and via email during this period. Don t forget to remind people to vote during events.
Election Results
Email your coordinator to get your election results. These will be emailed out for you to announce as you wish.
Sometimes you need to hold a by-election during the year if you were unable to elect certain positions– if you have not elected a full core committee, you will need to hold a by–election ASAP. You can also hold a by–election after an EGM if you create a new position. By–elections are run the same way. Please note that all groups must have filled the three core committee roles–
President, Secretary and Treasurer.