An AGM doesn’t sound like the msot exciting of events, so think about how you’re going to encourage people to attend. At 50 percent of your overall membership should be in attendance for your AGM to be valid. Think about how you’re going to encourage people to attend. Some groups order in pizza, some hold their AGM during one of their events. What will work for you?
Student Groups should include the following in their AGM. Remember, EGMs do not require a financial or annual report.
Annual Report
A review of the last year, highlighting the group’s main achievements, the issues that the committee have faced, and anything else worth noting. Allow members to ask questions before a vote to accept of reject the report.
Download an example report here.
Financial Report
The Treasurer should review the finances for the last academic year. A financial report should include the following.
Balances for all accounts at the beginning of the year
Current account balances
Income from membership fees, sponsorships, etc.,
Any grants awarded by the Student’s Union and how these were spent
Expenditure for key events or trips
Any other information you think is important
Allow members to ask questions before a vote to accept or reject the Financial Report.
Download an example report here
Constitutional Amendments
Members can propose an amendment to a group’s constitution, which must be passed at an AGM or EGM. Proposals should be submitted to the committe in advance of the meeting, but you can take proposals during the meeting if you wish.
A discussion of proposals should include the following.
Introductory speech from the proposer of the action
Speech against the motion, if someone wants to speak against it
Further rounds of speeches, at the discretion of the chair
Questions and discussion amongst members
Vote through simple raising of hands
You must check that any successfull proposals are valid– contact the SU if you need this checking.
Approving the Constitution
Your constitution is the agreement your group makes when they affiliate to the SU. Without this, you cannot be an affiliated group and therefore would fold. Make sure at the end of your AGM you vote whether to approve the updated constitution or not. If approved, submit this as part of your handover.
Any Other Business
Any other business–AOB– allows members to have their say on any issues relating to the group. You should allow time for this at the end of your AGM.
Afterwards, the Student’s Union needs a copy of your updated constitution. Let us know if anything needs updating, e.g., group name change, or roles added.