Join the Give it a Go Exec Committee

The Give it a Go Exec is made up of 20-25 GIAG Exec members, drawn from the most passionate and committed GIAG Volunteers. They have the dedication and skills to make decisions as to how GIAG should be run and help the programme evolve. As well as taking on administrative responsibilities, officers are asked to manage and innovate a number of GIAG activities. They are also to team lead Students' Union Trips, keeping students safe and organising the itinerary. This is a fantastic experience and looks incredible to employers when they read it on your CV.

Give it a Go Exec members have gone on to become sabbatical officers (including VP Societies, VP Welfare and VP Sports), student trustees of the Students' Union (heavily involved in the strategy of the SU), Alumni Relations staff for Cardiff University and even working in PR in London. So many things are possible if you only Give it a Go! 

Exec members all get:

  • To be an upstanding part of the Give it a Go family.
  • A Give it a Go Executive Officer Acredited Certificate, with credited Volunteer hours.
  • A CV reference from the Students' Union.
  • More free Give it a Go Clothing and Merchandise. 
  • Discounted places on Give it a Go Day Trips and Weekend Breaks. 
  • Access to free skills development and training courses including first aid training arranged and supplied by the Students' Union.
  • Socials throughout the year including potential weekends away as a group
  • A huge opportunity to make society and club contacts for elections etc. 

Exec members are asked for:

  • 3 hours a week admin support on the Give it a Go desk.
  • 1 hour a week General Meeting on Tuesday 6pm - 7pm. 
  • Direct Responsibility for 3-4 Give it a Go trips/activities each semester.
  • Commitment to a the training programme organised and delivered by the Students' Union.
  • Commitment to learn to drive Union vehicles (optional)

Being on the GIAG Exec is a commitment of at least four hours a week. It's a similar level of commitment to being the President of a club/society committee. We can be flexible with your hours but they will still need to be completed. 

Apply to be a Give it a Go Exec member!

So you want to join Team Give it a Go? Simply fill out the fields below and click submit. The deadline for applications is the 1st October 2018. Once you've submitted your application we'll be in touch!

Can you drive                     

Tell us about any relevant experience you have for this position. (Both connected with the Students’ Union and otherwise)

Why do you want to be a Give it a Go Exec members? (Explain in your own words and just be honest).

What other regular time commitments do you have term time 2018-2019? (Are you on a club/society committee?)

Do you have any fun ideas for events GIAG could run/destinations for trips?

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

You're all done! Click the button below and we'll be in touch.