La'Shaunna Williamson Anti-Racism Officer

La'Shaunna Williamson
Anti-Racism Officer
Swyddog Gwrth-Hiliaeth
My name is La’Shaunna Williamson, and I am your 2023-24 Anti-Racism Officer. I am a LLB Law with a Professional Placement Year student, putting me in my fourth year of university. I have been involved in helping to shape Cardiff University into an Anti-Racist institution since my first year of university, I have created an EDI module available to students and I changed the name from ‘BME Officer’ to ‘Anti-Racism Officer’ to ensure our university chooses inclusive and correct terminology when speaking on issues. I am passionate about creating a safe and welcoming environment for all students irrespective of their backgrounds. My main aim is to represent minority ethnic students, by listening to them and all societies we have on campus and acting on their responses.

My priorities for this year include:
  • Helping the university with their pledges to making Cardiff University an Anti-Racist institution and ensuring they take every step.
  • Opening the conversation to all students, and ensuring your voices are heard.
  • Ensuring an accessible community that is representative of ALL students.
  • A focus on mental health for those from a minority ethnic background, considering all cultural differences and removing the barriers and stigma surrounding it.
  • Empowering, celebrating and highlighting individuals from a minority ethnic background in history but also on our university campus. By showcasing these achievements, we can continue to break barriers, raise awareness, and empower individuals.
Please reach out to me with any concerns, ideas, or thoughts, let’s work together this year –

‘To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try,’ – Rosa Parks

Fy enw i yw La’Shaunna Williamson a fi yw eich Swyddog Gwrth-Hiliaeth ar gyfer 2023-24. Rydw i’n astudio’r Gyfraith (LLB) gyda Blwyddyn ar Leoliad Proffesiynol, sy’n golygu fy mod yn fy mhedwaredd flwyddyn. Rydw i wedi bod yn rhan o lunio Prifysgol Caerdydd i mewn i sefydliad wrth-hiliaeth ers fy mlwyddyn gyntaf yn y Brifysgol. Rydw i wedi creu modiwl EDI sydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr a newidiais yr enw o ‘Swyddog BAME’ i ‘Swyddog Gwrth-Hiliaeth’ er mwyn sicrhau fod y brifysgol yn dewis terminoleg gynhwysol a chywir wrth siarad am faterion. Rydw i’n angerddol am greu amgylchedd diogel a chroesawgar i bob myfyriwr gwaeth be fo’u cefndir. Fy nod yw cynrychioli myfyrwyr ethnig lleiafrifol trwy wrando arnynt a phob cymdeithas sydd gennym ar gampws a gweithredu ar eu hymatebion.

Mae fy mlaenoriaethau ar gyfer eleni yn cynnwys:
  • Helpu’r brifysgol gyda’i addunedau i wneud Prifysgol Caerdydd yn sefydliad wrth-hiliaeth a sicrhau ei bod yn cymryd pob cam.
  • Agor y drafodaeth i bob myfyriwr a sicrhau bod eu lleisiau’n cael eu clywed.
  • Sicrhau cymuned hygyrch sy’n cynrychioli POB myfyriwr.
  • Ffocws ar iechyd meddwl ar gyfer rheiny o gefndir ethnig lleiafrifol, gan ystyried gwahaniaethau diwylliannol a dileu’r rhwystrau a stigma amdano.
  • Grymuso, dathlu a thynnu sylw at unigolion o gefndiroedd lleiafrifol ethnig mewn hanes ond hefyd ar gampws y brifysgol. Drwy ddathlu eu llwyddiannau, gallwn barhau i dorri rhwystrau, codi ymwybyddiaeth a grymuso unigolion.
Cysylltwch â mi am unrhyw bryderon neu syniadau sydd gennych. Gadewch i ni weithio gyda’n gilydd eleni –

‘Er mwyn sicrhau newid, rhaid i chi beidio â bod ofn cymryd y cam cyntaf. Byddwn yn methu pan fyddwn yn methu ymdrechu,’ – Rosa Parks

What I'm Working On?
