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Your Elected Officers

Give me your money…this is a stick’up!

Breaking News: £100 million has been found and is going to be spent on what you want!

Cardiff University is building a brand new swimming pool on the union roof, a super library in Cathays open 24/7, a new centre of arts and drama for societies to perform and practise in, re-developing sports facilities to international standards and pedestrianising Park Place; creating a student campus…. Maybe!

These are a few of the ideas as to where and how the University should invest £100 million+ in student led activity and facilities across Cardiff University. There’s over £100 million in the bank ready to invest in capital improvements around campus, and the University bosses want to focus their improvements around what Cardiff University students actually want!

But they won’t just hand over the Dollar…They want some serious quantitative data as to where the money should be spent and what improvements are vital to students around the University- fair enough! This is where you come in... Have you ever been crammed into a tiny, old lecture theatre and thought ‘I wish we had bigger and better lecture theatres for the amount I’m paying in tuition fees’? Have you ever questioned why we pay membership fees for AU clubs and then have such limited sports facilities in return? Have you ever wanted to hop into a sleeping pod at Julian Hodge during those long computer room dissertation sessions? Have you ever wanted to get across the railway line at a more convenient point? Have you ever had to patrol the computer rooms like a traffic warden looking for a free computer?

This is YOUR chance to have your say and get what you want, now! You pay your tuition fees (hopefully), accommodation, living expenses etc… Why not get the most out of it by demanding exactly the type of improvements and developments that would benefit you the most. At the Students’ Union we often speak about improving ‘the student experience’, and the only way to do that is to ask you what you want: So fill out the survey below to have your say. Strong and effective engagement with you, the student population, is the only way to get the university to realise where the money needs to be spent.


The Elected Officer Team
